thank you to Qingyao Z. and @frigoli for correcting an error in the vignette and to others who submitted issues/identified bugs
tidyLPA 0.2.32018-11-20
update to plot_profiles_mplus()
add option to specify latent vars
add message/vignette for major changes to come
tidyLPA 0.2.22018-10-11
patch minor issue with model specification
tidyLPA 0.2.12018-10-11
minor changes and bug fixes
addition of new reference to JOSS paper
tidyLPA 0.2.02018-09-13
Major breaking change:
change how models are specified; instead of using the model argument, whether and how the variances are covariances are estimated are passed the the variances and covariances argument; there are details in the readme and vignette and if a model argument is passed to a function, a message is returned describing how to specify the model using the variances and covariances arguments
Major change
change the compare_solutions_mplus() functions Mplus to still allow for the specification of six models, but to use the same four as compare_solutions() (which uses the mclust package, not MPlus) by default
Minor changes
improve NAMESPACE documentation
add option to return original data frame for functions that use MPlus
add option to use missing data for functions that use MPlus
remove deprecated function (to extract key statistics from an MPlus model)
make it so that a data frame with fit and other statistics is returned by default from compare_solutions_mplus()
added new values to the statistics returned by compare_solutions_mplus():
the cell size (the number of observations associated with each profile)
the number of times the log-likelihood was replicated, based on the number of optimization steps
Approximate Weight of Evidence (AWE) criterion
the number of parameters estimated
remove the messages about the software being in beta
how the Mplus syntax is generated was substantially changed/improved; thanks @gbiele
Bug fixes
change include_LMR argument to include VLMR
remove scale_fill_brewer(““, type =”qual”, palette = “Set3”) so that solutions with larger numbers of profiles may be plotted
fix issue where lines longer than 90 characters (i.e., when there are many variables) cause an error
tidyLPA 0.1.32018-03-28
improve plot_profiles() plots, including plotting bootstrapped standard when mclust output is directly used (thanks @cjvanlissa) & updated vignette with example of this
improve output from compare_solutions_mplus (thanks @DJAnderson07)
add function, extract_LL_mplus(), to extract log-likelihoods from models fit witsah estimate_profiles_mplus()
update documentation for pisaUSA15 dataset
improve compare_solutions_mplus() so it more reliably handles errors
improve vignette (thanks @oreojo for suggestion to mention that this package works best for continuous variables)
add URLs for package and bug reports to DESCRIPTION
add C.J. van Lissa and Daniel John Anderson as contributors
tidyLPA 0.1.22018-02-18
Specify version 0.7 of MplusAutomation in Imports to address error
Minor updates:
Update README and Vignette
Update function names to include MPlus
Export %>% from magrittr (so it does not need to be loaded from dplyr)
Correct name of title for vignette
Update function names
Change output of estimate_profiles_mplus() to be returned with return(), instead of with invisible()
tidyLPA 0.1.12018-02-14
Added a file to track changes to the package.